Wednesday, September 28, 2011

hi ebony

photos from fashiontoast, cupcakesandcashmere, and natalieoffduty

I'm having a severe "Singapore has no seasons" crisis as I hear all my US friends talking about the coming of autumn. I kind of want to die. There is no crisp air, pumpkin spice lattés, or yellowing leaves in this place. So I use photos like this, my air conditioner, and christmas-scented yankee candles to try and compensate.
sorry for having been gone so long. ebony's making me post finally. i'll have legit photos eventually, but first quarter of my junior year is about 75% finished. wooot!

1 comment:

Costin M said...

great photo selection! i understand how you're feeling, it sort of feel like in my country we're about to skip autumn and go straight to winter, haha!

All best wishes,
Costin M. |